Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weight Loss Success

I know this isn't about decorating or pies but I had to share this little joy with you all.  I have lost 20 lbs!!!!  I am over joyed.  I have a little more to go to reach my goal but I feel wonderful!  I thought I would share what I've been doing instead of blogging.  So here's how I lost it.



1.  First I started just scheduling the exercise in like an appointment.  If something comes up like a cancellation I reschedule...for the same day.  Remember, it doesn't have to be a marathon.  Something is better than nothing. Six days a week. No excuses. 

2.  Eating a clean diet.  No more I can have a handful of candy or half a bag while I'm on the computer.  I know very bad :(  I eat protein, veggies and fruit.  I eat mostly good carbs, filling whole grain in the mornings.  I have cut my nightly popcorn snacking.  I started slowly and now I have the lighter popcorn once a week.  I find that if I keep myself full on the good stuff I don't overdo it.  I absolutely don't let myself get hungry.

3. Here's something you don't here from most diets...I stopped thinking about what I couldn't have.  If I want a few squares of chocolate. I have them.  If I want to eat pizza with my family I do, just fewer pieces.  It has worked to just change my mindset a little bit.  I have at least one cheat meal a week.  I also might have a cheat dessert.  :)

I have been working on this since January so it has taken some time.  I didn't see results right away.  That was discouraging.  I started really eating clean and that made a huge difference in my results.  I started doing higher intensity again.  I know since I have worked out for quite a bit of my life I need to work harder to burn that fat!  I started doing strength diligently in February/March and I think that has made a huge difference too.  Don't focus on only cardio.  I love taking Kettle bell, I take it once or twice a week after I teach my class.  It's only a half hour class.  It doesn't take much ladies to shape those muscles.  More muscles mean you're going to burn that fat!  I also do Bodypump. It's a Les Mills class, great for building lean muscles.  I still take my Zumba and I take Turbo Kick on Saturday.  When I'm not at the gym I work out at home by walking the dog and doing Pilates. 

My motivation is simple.  I will be forty this year.  I started feeling very bad, much older than I am with little energy. I moved from North Dakota to IL in 2007 and I was in the best shape of my life.  I remembered that feeling. My circumstances changed but I was able to keep working out and teaching classes till 2009. My knee began to hurt so I didn't do as much Turbo.  We moved home to IN and I gave up teaching Fitness classes.  Although I was taking classes I let my eating really slip.  I fell into some old habits and thought I could each eat what I wanted if I did some exercise.  Big mistake!  In reality 80% is what you eat and the other 20% is exercise.  I want to live a long, quality life.  I don't want to be on medications, have disease, high blood pressure etc. I have been to the doctor for my knee.  I am currently taking physical therapy to help with my pain.  I can still exercise.  I just have to modify some things.  I want to be a good role model for my kids so they will be healthy adults.  I am hoping to inspire my husband to join me too. :)  Come on 40, bring it on!!!

I'd love to hear your stories about your diet, and fitness, struggles or successes. 



  1. Congratulations! I so needed to read this this morning. I have put on so much weight. My knees are killing me...and I am only 45 years old! I cant even imagine 55 at this time...much less 75! Thanks for the inspiration! Katie

  2. Carey you look GREAT!!!! Keep up the good work! :)

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss! You look great! I've been working on weight loss but it's a very slow progress. You've given me motivation! Thanks

  4. I'm your newest follower. Looking forward to reading more of your posts :)

  5. This congrats is very belated but CONGRATS! you look Great!

    Carmen and the Primcats

    FYI... did you know you have that impossible to read word verification on your blog. It's very very hard to read. :( Easy to remove though! :)

  6. That's awesome and you are an inspiration!!!
