Good morning ladies, I have a very exhausting weekend and I'm looking forward to a normal routine. My kids start school next week. I can't believe it's that time already. I'm excited about this they are starting to get a little bit bored. Even though my son just got back from visiting his grandparents he is ready for structure. I can tell. My DD is a little nervous about her glasses but I keep telling her it will be just fine.
To make a long story short we decided against the house that we went to look at Saturday. Upon entering this house I fell in love with it. She decorated like many of us ladies. It was their custom built dream house. The owners were there at the house, a little awkward for us. She had them make outlets above the soffits over the kitchen cabinets and under every window for candles/lights. I could see all my prim stuff in this house and haven't felt this way about any other house. The scenery was beautiful. The back had a screened in porch etc. etc. My DH had his pole barn/shop. However, we tend to think differently. We bounce ideas off of each other and by the time we came home over the 5 hour drive we had changed our minds. He has always wanted to build our home. We're not like most people. I guess that sounds strange but my military friends who read this can relate best. We have spent the past 19 years living with other peoples choices of paint color trim, appliances, icky wall paper etc. I know which cabinets, flooring and appliances I like/hate. So we just don't feel like we want to settle just yet. Bottom line is he didn't have that ah.. I'm home feeling. The school district was our # 2 pick of schools. It's actually the rival to our old school. You know that team you love to hate that does such a wonderful job at beating you when you come to town. My DH asked me several times if I could live with that. I just laughed. On the positive side its was only 9.8 miles from family compared to 5 hours.
Before leaving for our trip we found out that we would be eligible for a conventional loan of 5% down. We had always thought we would go VA loan. However, the VA has a lot of rules. This just opens up more options for us and enables us to wait for the right house. So we're pretty much back to 3 options.
1. Continue to look for the right house
2. Find some land to build our home
3. Find a temporary house with land to build on and build another one while we live in the first one.
We have had this plan in our filing cabinet drawer for over 10 years and we're thinking we may take it in to someone and ask how much it would cost to build. Our best guess for having everything done is more than we can afford but my DH thinks that maybe we can save some $ by doing almost all the inside stuff himself. While we're dreaming I'll give you this link to browse through.
Ok, followers tell me what's your dream home look like describe it for me? I'll be back with some freebies I picked up and my country sampler order to tell you about later.